Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Interceptual Process

                 It's ignorant enough to judge, but to judge by assumption is just.


     So why do we all judge before even getting to know that person? Hands down, I'm guilty of judging a person based on their nationality, look, even grammar. Honestly when I think of African Americans, I think of soul food and homies. When I think of Mexicans or Hispanics, I think of their men and women selling corn out of carts or on the freeways selling roses. When I think of Chinese people, I think of the women working in nail shops. Stereotypical? Most definitely! Don't get me wrong, I am not racist, that's just what automatically comes to my mind.

     Polynesians are stereotyped as "big", eat a lot more than others, lol yet well known for being family orientated. Maybe we shouldn't be so quick to judge others, because I get offended when people ask if Tongans roast pig everyday? Its not an everyday thing, but yes we do roast pigs on occassion and have a huge feast. Whats more interesting is that Samoans stereotype us as "horse eaters". It's one of our delacacies. I can name about a hundred things Tongans are stereotyped as, but my main thing I want to cover is how others see us as "mean". Not all Tongans are aggressive. Are we only good for eating and fighting? No! Polynesians can do other things like sports, sing, and we have many other talents just as other races have. We have many qualities and value the meaning of family.

      In all, we should open our hearts and ears before we start making judgements on other people. I'm pretty sure we all don't like being judged. Taking a few minutes to interact with another won't hurt.

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